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Style sheet (date: 31. May 2011)


Guidelines for the formal presentation of contributions

Please submit your contribution (article/review), ready to print and without handwritten corrections, both in electronic format – preferably by e-mail attachment to zcp@uni-bonn.de, or otherwise on disc or on CD-ROM – and in two printouts to one of the editors. The preferred word processing programmes are MS Word and OpenOffice (.doc, .rtf or .odt). Files in PDF format cannot be processed. In case you intend to hand in several manuscripts at once, please send these in seperate e-mails. Manuscripts submitted for publication will be assessed by at least one external referee whose corrections and suggestions will be forwarded by the editors to the author anonymously.


Pattern for review headings1

DELAMARRE, XAVIER: Noms de personnes celtiques dans l’épigraphie classique. Nomina Celtica antiqua selecta inscriptionum. Paris: Éditions Errance, 2007. 237 pp., ISBN 978-2-87772-350-3. € 32.

BREATHNACH, LIAM: A companion to the Corpus iuris Hibernici. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, School of Celtic Studies, 2005 (Early Irish Law Series, ISSN 0790-4657, vol.V). xv + 499 pp., ISBN 1-85500-184-5. € 35.

1 Please keep footnotes in reviews to a minimum.


Formal structuring of articles/reviews

Articles (not reviews) should be preceded by an abstract of no more than 700 characters, in German or French for contributions written in English, in English for contributions in languages other than English. The main text is to be formatted in double spacing, with continuous page numbering.

Footnotes are numbered continuously and marked in the main text with a superscript number, to be inserted after any punctuation marks.

Special emphasis is to be marked in the following ways:

Small Print (Petit)
extended quotations, verse (it will be sufficient for authors to mark these in the manuscript by indentation and a space of one line before and after the passage quoted).


Author's SURNAMES in the bibliography, and in references within the article in the format ‘AUTHOR (year: page(s))’ within a sentence, or ‘AUTHOR year: page(s)’.
Italics Titles of works, words / quotations.
S p a c i n g
Bold print, spacing and underlining should be limited to a minimum.

Special characters must be clearly legible. If required, they may be explained on a separate sheet. For all special fonts the font files are to be submitted together with the article.

Quotation marks are to be used as follows (in English text):
‘...’ for quotations within the running text and translations
“...” for quotations within a quotation, special terms, occasional usage.

Accent signs (´, `) may not be used for quotation marks.
Square brackets contain additions by the author; omissions are marked “…”.

For the use of brackets and other signs in editing inscriptions and other texts, please refer to the current version of the "Leiden Conventions":
http://www.csad.ox.ac.uk/varia/unicode/Dohnicht.pdf (particularly pp. 3–5);
for a summary see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leiden_Conventions.



Full references are to be listed in a bibliography at the end of each contribution; references in footnotes are in the format.

LAST NAME year: page(s)/paragraph(s), e.g. THURNEYSEN 1946: §§12–14

referring to the corresponding entry in the bibliography. Established abbreviations such as GOI may be used instead. The year to be quoted is that of the original publication or a particular edition; reprints are referred to only in the case of further changes (other than the year; e.g. different publisher). Imprecise forms of reference such as ff. after the initial page and ‘loc. cit., op. cit. are not to be used. No space is inserted into references in the format 12f. and §12.

Entries in the bibliography are ordered alphabetically and works by the same author chronologically. Titles of articles are inserted between ‚...‘. Publication titles are printed in italics. Example of a bibliographical section:


GOI: THURNEYSEN, Rudolf, 1946: A grammar of Old Irish. Dublin: Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies (reprinted with supplement 1975).

LP: LEWIS, Henry &PEDERSEN, Holger, 1937: A concise comparative Celtic grammar. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht (reprinted with corrections and a supplement 1961).

MORRIS JONES, John, 1900: Pre-Aryan syntax in Insular Celtic. Appendix B in John RHYS & David BRYNMOR-JONES, The Welsh people. London: Fisher Unwin, 617–641. Reprinted in Raimund KARL & David STIFTER (eds), The Celtic world. Critical concepts in historical studies. 4 vols. London and New York: Routledge, 2007. Vol. IV, 103–121.

MORRIS JONES, John, 1913: A Welsh grammar. Oxford: Clarendon Press.

RIG: Recueil des inscriptions gauloises. Vol. I: LEJEUNE, Michel, 1985: Textes gallo-grecs. Vol. II, 1: LEJEUNE, Michel, 1988: Textes gallo-étrusques. Textes gallo-latins sur pierre. Vol. II, 2: LAMBERT, Pierre-Yves, 2002: Textes gallo-latins sur instrumentum. Vol. III: DUVAL, Paul-Marie & Pinault, Georges, 1986: Les calendriers (Coligny, Villards d'Héria). Vol. IV: COLBERT DE BEAULIEU, Jean-Baptiste & FISCHER, Brigitte, 1998: Les légendes monétaires. Paris: CNRS Éditions.

SCHMIDT, Karl Horst, 1996: Larzac. In: Wolfgang MEID & Peter ANREITER (eds), Die größeren altkeltischen Sprachdenkmäler. Akten des Kolloquiums Innsbruck 29. April–3. Mai 1993. Innsbruck: Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck, 23–36.

THURNEYSEN, Rudolf, 1923a: Irisches und Gallisches: 8. Air. cumsanad Spaltung, Trennung, ZcP 14, 1923, 6–8.

THURNEYSEN, Rudolf, 1923b: Aus dem irischen Recht I: 1. Das Unfrei-Lehen, ZcP 14, 1923, 335–394.


General points

Authors will receive proofs directly from the publisher. These are to be checked carefully and returned, together with the manuscript, to one of the editors. Please note that additional expenses incurred by additions and corrections made after submission must be met by the authors.

The editors reserve the right to return manuscripts that do not conform to the rules outlined above to authors for revision.

For the purpose of offprints, authors receive a pdf file of each article or review free of charge.

E-mail address for general correspondence and electronic manuscripts: zcp@uni-bonn.de


Download the style sheet here (pdf, 106KB)


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