About Us

Societas Celtologica Europaea was founded on 7th September 2009 in Zurich, on the occasion of the 5th Deutschsprachiges Keltologensymposium and took the legal form of an association under Swiss law domiciled in Zurich on 15th April 2010. Its goal is to support the scholarly study of Celtic languages, literatures, and cultures in research and teaching and to promote cooperation among Celtic scholars of different disciplines.

The SCE pursues its goal by convening conferences and other meetings in the field of Celtic Studies, by organizing and supporting research projects and by assisting the flow of information to the membership through appropriate media. It is committed to supporting young academics and promoting the various disciplines of Celtic Studies in the public domain.

The SCE sees itself as a professional association for European scholars active in all the various disciplines of Celtic Studies and as a negotiating partner with European and national organisations engaged in promoting science, and other European scientific bodies. A particular concern of SCE is to achieve adequate representation for Celtic Studies disciplines (especially Linguistics, Literature, Archaeology, and Ancient History) at European universities.

Membership is open to all those interested in Celtic Studies in Europe and beyond.

The membership fee is currently EUR 40 per annum for individual members, EUR 100 for corporate members. This fee will also constitute an annual subscription to the journal Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie. Students, those who have no income, and those living in eastern European countries may pay a reduced fee of EUR 5 per annum, which however will not count as a subscription to Zeitschrift für celtische Philologie.

The SCE is exempt from tax in the Kanton Zürich (decree of 10 May 2010).

Constitution (PDF; German only)

Postal address:
Institut für Vergleichende Sprachwissenschaft
Universität Zürich
Affolternstrasse 56
8050 Zürich

Executive committee:
Prof. Dr.
Karin Stüber, Zürich, president
Prof. Dr.
Raimund Karl, Wien, vice president
Prof. Dr. Aaron Griffith, Utrecht, secretary and treasurer
Prof. Dr.
David Stifter, Maynooth
Uáitéar Mac Gearailt, Dublin

Advisory Board:
Michel Byrne, Glasgow
Prof. Dr.
Joseph Eska, Blacksburg, USA
Prof. Dr.
Marged Haycock, Aberystwyth
Andreas Hofeneder, Wien
Nicole Volmering, Trinity College, Dublin
Prof. Dr.
Stefan Zimmer, Bonn

Prof. Dr.
Stefan Schumacher, Wien
PD Dr.
Thomas Zehnder, Zürich