Membership Fee

The membership fee of currently EUR 40 and possible donations can be transferred to the account indicated below. Please indicate IBAN and BIC/SWIFT and demand money transfer according to the new European SEPA rules to minimize costs.

Important: Please do not send any cheques! PostFinance does not accept them, and to cash them at another bank creates high costs and administrative problems.

Account information:

Societas Celtologica Europaea, Zürich
IBAN: CH69 0900 0000 9157 3652 2
Swiss Post, PostFinance, CH-3030 Bern, Switzerland


For our overseas members or for those whose bank charges high fees for transfers we offer the possibility to pay by credit card through PayPal. You do not need your own PayPal account for this. However, this method of payment creates additional costs for the SCE. If you would like the SCE to have the full membership fee of EUR 40 at its disposal, please send EUR 44. We are grateful for any additional donations.


Please note that by merely paying the fee, you are not automatically becoming a member of the SCE. In order to join the society, please send in the Application form (PDF).